Rubbing spices - dry marinade

Pour la marinade sèche :
- 2 c. à soupe de graines de moutarde
- 1 c. à thé de graines de fenouil
- 1 c. à thé de grains de poivre
- 2 tbsp. smoked paprika
- 2 c. à soupe de cassonade
- 1 c. à thé de cari
- 2 gousses d’ail hachées finement
- 2 c. à soupe de romarin frais
- Freshly ground salt and pepper
How to proceed:
- In a skillet, heat seeds of mustard, fennel and peppercorns for 2 minutes stirring constantly, to develop maximum flavor.
- Déposer dans un mortier, puis broyer les épices.
- In a small bowl, place the grilled spices and add all the other ingredients, mix well.
- Rub the piece of meat of your choice with the marinade.
- Cover with plastic wrap, then refrigerate for 2 hours before cooking.
This marinade can easily go with red or white meats and even fish. It could also be used to give a wow effect in pasta!